Plant Care
General Advice
Prolonging life of flowers
Ongoing Care
Positioning Flowers
Corsages / Body Flowers
Specific Plant Care
General Information
Future uses for Flowers
Flower Meanings
Dates to Remember
Ongoing Care for plants
Blooms should be removed as they fade (also called ‘Dead Heading’). As well as
keeping the display looking clean and fresh this will also encourage further
buds to open in certain varieties of plants.
Vases should always be kept topped up with fresh water. If the water becomes warm or if the room / ambient temperature is hot the water should be replaced every day to minimise stem rot. When replacing flowers ½" should be cut from the stem to maximise water intake.
Other benefits include spraying fresh flowers with a mist of water daily and adding flower food when replenishing water. (Note instructions should be followed carefully when adding flower food to already prepared solutions.)
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