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Plant care for Orchids
Orchids (Plants)
In general most orchids require plenty of light, ideally 6 hours per day. Orchids are tough and can handle more or less of their recommended light. The more light an orchid gets encourages the flowering potential. Less light will prevent the plants from flowering but they still grow.
Leaf color is a good way to identify if your orchid is getting enough light. Leaves that are a darker green in colour are an indication of not enough light. A plant that is grassy green in color means the plant is receiving enough light to bloom.
Orchids (Cut Flowers)
Nothing compares to the breathtaking beauty of the orchid. With proper care, in the form of a few simple tips, you can get lasting enjoyment out of your blooms
Remove the water vial from the stem of each spray.
Trim one-half inch or more from each spray.
Submerge the entire stem, including the flower head, in fresh (room temperature) water for 5-10 minutes.
Fill a vase with room temperature water and add the flower food as directed.
Remove flowers from water, shake off excess, and place in vase.
Mist flowers a few times each day.
Keep out of direct sunlight and away from hot or cold drafts.
Re-cut stems and change the water every other day.
Enjoy your orchids!
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