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Florists & Flower Shops in Antony
Find a florist in Antony. Looking for wedding flowers in Antony, funeral flowers or just a bouquet for someone special All Florists list of Antony Florists will help you find what you're looking for. All florists on this page provide flower delivery in Antony.

Fresh flowers delivered to Antony and all over the UK.

Floral Cottage Designs
[St. Agnes]

Perfect flowers for a perfect day, wedding flowers specialist, a wide area of Cornwall covered. Top quality flowers professionally arranged at competative prices.

Flowers on board

flowers on Board offers a full floristry service. Beautiful flowers for every occassion. Fresh flowers daily to our shop. Modern and Classical designs.
Weddings a speciality. Helpful caring staff
Weddings a speciality. Helpful caring staff

we specialize in large corporate and outside functions as well as being able to present our customers with a wonderful selection of bouguets for there special occasions,such as weddings themed .

Jackie Philips

Experienced florist offering quality flower designs. We stock wine and champagne plus balloons and Teddies. Same day delivery, local, national and worldwide. Weddings are our speciality.

Jane Adele Flroist

National Diploma Florist Truro Cornwall. Quality flowers delivered Just Next Door or Worldwide, with SECURE online ordering. Balloons, teddies & chocolates also available.

Jeffery Florists

Professional imaginative florists delivering locally nationally and worldwide,corporate and weddings our speciallity

Marys Flowers
[St. Austell]

Fresh flowers for quality. Online shopping 24hours. Designs for weddings, birthdays, funerals. Proffessional service all qualified staff. Accept all major credit cards.

Poppies Florists

Poppies of Falmouth
Garden Design & Maintenance, Grave Care.
For friendly, professional service, top quality and good value.
Covering all TR postcode areas of Cornwall
Garden Design & Maintenance, Grave Care.
For friendly, professional service, top quality and good value.
Covering all TR postcode areas of Cornwall

If you want to find those special dates in the florists calendar such as Mother Day, Valentines or Easter please click here.
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