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Passion Flowers, local Derby Wedding Florists providing flower delivery in and around Derbyshire. Florists for all occasions, Mothers Day Flowers, Wedding Flowers, Easter Flowers, Valentines Flowers,

Passion Flowers, modern florist in Derby offering fantastic flowers for all occasions for delivery in and around Derbyshire UK. Specialising in Contemporary flowers, Wedding Flowers, arrangements & designs, with a vast range of exotic and unusual flowers for delivery in the Derby area.

Flowers are a wonderful way to celebrate those special times, be it birthday or anniversary flowers, thankyou gifts or bouquets, or simply just to make someones day!

Derby Florists & Flower Delivery
Beautiful fresh flowers for delivery in Derby, bouquets and gifts available for all occasions from your local Derby Florist

Derby Wedding Florists & Flowers
Passion Flowers are skilled Wedding Florists & each Wedding is unique. It is the choice of flowers, colours and style of designs that create the atmosphere for your special celebration. We can decorate the church, set up reception flowers, make archways & decorate balconies & marquees.

Funeral & Sympathy Flowers in Derbyshire
Send your tributes & sympathy flowers in remembrance & as a mark of respect

Derby Gifts & Bouquets
Send beautiful gifts & bouquets online throughout Derbyshire

Whatever your floristry needs Passion Flowers are here to help, were passionate about flowers!

view map for Passion Flowers
opening hours
24 hrs a day,
7 days a week, online florists
contact details
tel 1: 01332 774 001
Passion Flowers
9 North View
Burton Road
DE23 6FS
United Kingdom
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